Free Report Reveals The 7 Deadly Sins Of Internet Marketing

Contained within this report you’ll find the 7 deadly sins that are killing your sales and profits, and as a result, keeping you stuck, struggling, and overwhelmed.


About Me

I was born in Saint Mary, Jamaica, the rural part of the island. Growing as the middle child of 5 children opened my eyes to a lot of different stuff. At 17 I became a young mother to my first son . Things got worse than they were before. Not only was I a young mom but also a single one at that.
It was very hard for us and even with a little help from my mother we were struggling daily. I went to the Community Skills Center to obtain the training of becoming a certified cleaning lady where I was hired for as my first job. I decided that wouldn't work so I changed the department and became a waitress. In 2016 I learnt there was an agency recruiting for individuals to work abroad and I went for the opportunity.
I came to America. I worked . I saved what I could, then went back home. I did this for 3 years before I met my ex husband. At 26 I had my second son and became a single mother once again of 2. Here I'm at my lowest point with nowhere to turn in a country with no family or friends. I relocated to Myrtle Beach , South Carolina, got a job as a waitress.  After working tirelessly for 2 years, I was told they would no longer need my service.
In my distress, I stumbled onto the information of starting my own online business. With no knowledge about what it entails. No tech skills. And barely any money I decided to create a new path which is what landed me here.
Did I ever get overwhelmed? You bet I did but I've stuck to it and with the help of my mentors and the community I've been going and the best part i get to do all this with my son.
I know you can too!!